100 Drivers Arrested In Police Operation In Uasin Gishu


A police operation saw over 200 vehicles and 100 drivers arrested for non-compliance in Eldoret Town, Uasin Gishu County.

The police officers, accompanied by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) officers saw hundreds of vehicles pulled over during an inspection exercise.

A police officer stated that the crackdown to ensure that Kenyans remained safe throughout the festive season would be intensified.

“During the festive season, most drivers seem to get excited due to traveling to upcountry so they end up speeding along the roads and inevitably cause accidents. I appeal to all drivers to ensure that they comply with the set guidelines,” the officer stated.

He warned the SACCOs to ensure the matatus are roadworthy and the drivers comply with the rules.

He pointed out issues for arrest such as faulty speed governors, over speeding, reckless driving, operating without a driver’s license, and noncompliance to Covid-19 protocols.



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