11 Selected Senators on Ann Waiguru’s Impeachment Hearing Motion

anne waiguru1
anne waiguru1

There are 11 senators selected to hear Governor Waigurus impeachment motion and have a ruling on whether the whole house will be included or a specific committee.

Governor Waiguru was last week ousted by 23 out 33 Kirinyaga members of the county assembly under the basis of office abuse.

Ann Waiguru’s dismissal has caused a stir in the political arena with leaders opting to hold tightly to their political wings.

In Orange Democratic Party, the right honourable Raila Amollo Odinga has been implicated of taking sides and allegations initiated that he is going to use his political influence to save the governors gubernatorial seat.

Ever since Honourable Murkomen, a staunch supporter of William Ruto lost his Majority leaders position to Honourable Poghisio, the former has been very vocal with matters of democracy and even questioning the senate and its capabilities to run a smooth and fair hearing on Ann Waigurus motion of impeachment.

Kenyans are yet to see what power play Ann Waiguru would use as the political power games continue.

Here are the eleven names suggested for hearing:

Sen. Abshiro Halake
Sen.Michael Mbito
Sen. Mwangi Paul Githiomi
Sen. Beth Mugo
Sen. Anuar Loitiptip
Sen. Philip Mpaayei
Sen. Cleophas Malalah
Sen. Beatrice Kwamboka
Sen. Stewart Madzayo
Sen. Judith Pareno
Sen. Moses Kajwang’

Ann Waiguru
Ann Waiguru




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