70-Year-Old Woman Hacked To Death By Goons In Kwale.

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A 70-year-old woman has been hacked to death by unknown people at Mazeras in Kinango Kwale County.

Mnyazi Mkomba Njei, an elderly resident of Mikanjuni, was attacked by goons while having a night breeze outside her home. They cut her head with a panga.

According to the woman’s daughter Kinyavu Mkomba, her mum’s killing caught her by surprise.

She said the mother had just had her supper when she opted to find fresh air in the calm cloudy night.

She further said they found her floating in a pool of blood having several body cuts in which it is believed she might have bled to death.

County police commander Joseph Nthenge, who strongly condemned the act, said the motive of the killing is not known.

No Suspect has been arrested at the time of writing this post. The killing of the elderly people has been on the rise in Kwale since January.

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Crime scene

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