Ahmednasir Upstages TV Stations With Twitter Space Meeting

Lawyer Ahmednasir
Lawyer Ahmednasir

Senior Counsel Ahmednasir Abdullahi hosted a Twitter space meeting on Thursday night to discuss the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) bill and breakdown ruling by the High Court which annulled the initiative.

The online meeting garnered over 8,000 attendees giving it an edge over a number of televisions that attract nearly the same number or lower viewership online when hosting live talk shows.

Ahmednasir’s space is the largest so far in Kenya since Twitter unveiled the platform in 2021. Among those who joined the meeting were Law Society of Kenya President Nelson Havi, Garissa Town MP Aden Duale, Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja, media personalities Waihiga Mwaura, Linda Ogutuh, Anne Kiguta, Terry Anne Chebet, Jamila Mohamed and Asha Mwilu.

On the BBI appeal, Ahmednasir explained that the constitution allowed Attorney General Paul Kihara Kariuki to bypass the Court of Appeal and file an appeal at the Supreme Court.

This provision is stipulated under Section 17 of the Supreme Court as it allows the highest court to listen to exceptional circumstances such as the BBI ruling which has an implication on the constitution.

He however, argued that the Supreme Court is the weakest link in the Judiciary as one needs to only convince four out of the seven judges to rule in his favour.

Nelson Havi commented stating the Supreme Court judges have faced questions on their integrity and independence and only a few believed to be able to stand their ground.

Lawyer Ahmednasir
Lawyer Ahmednasir

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