Bishop Godfrey Migwi a fierce Ruto supporter Dies.

Bishop migwi
Bishop migwi

“Afadhali huyu anaiba analeta kanisani,” are some of the most memorable political words from Bishop Migwi to Uhuru Kenyatta in reference to William Ruto when he hosted the deputy president in January.

Migwi who was a huge fan of DP Ruto, allegedly succumbed to high blood pressure.

The house of hope Kayole Bishop whose death was announced on Kameme TV, was pronounced dead on the 2nd of December 2021.

Deputy president Ruto was among Kenyans who mourned the cleric, describing him as a humorous spiritual leader.

“Bishop Godfrey Migwi was a bold, vocal and powerful spiritual leader with a great sense of humour. He was a mentor and a friend with firm pastoral faith that he infused to many of us. We will miss his topical and nourishing sermons.”  He said.

Political seat.

It is common to see Bishops, preachers and men of clothes venture into politics in Kenya. Bishop Godfrey Migwi was not left behind on this.

In May of this year, the  Bishop had declared interest in vying for the Mathioya parliamentary seat in the coming 2022 general elections. Just like his counterpart Bishop Margaret Wanjiru, the cleric claimed he was best-placed candidate to address the challenges facing the people of Mathioya constituency.

It’s equally important to note the Bishop was a huge critic of president Uhuru Kenyatta and the BBI.

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