Caroline Mutoko blames men for spread of COVID 19: Uses late Papa Shirandula as an Example.


Earlier today media personality Caroline Mutuku posted a video blaming men for the rapid spread of coronavirus. She said most men are affected by the virus because they do not want to go to hospital or adhere to the measures put in place by the government.

Mutoko further added, men do not want to wash their hands, eat fruits stay home. She used the late Papa Shirandula’s case as an example of men who do not want to go to hospital.

Papa Shirandula’s wife had blamed Karen hospital for negligence that’s why Papa died and Caroline Mutoko’s statement came out as if she was defending the hospital.

According to Caroline Kenyan men do like being told to adhere to rules.

Let me start with the obvious’. We all know wanaume hamuwezi ambiwa. Number two you hate water. Someone has to tell you to wash your hands. The very idea that lazima uoge kwanza sasa kuna baridi,” She said.

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