Chelsea Set To Replace Kepa With Gianluigi Donnaruma


After the 2019/2020 campaign, the Blues number 1 stopper Kepa Arrizabalaga has been a subject to criticism after the Spaniard keeper conceded a recorded of 42 goals, a club’s record in EPL alone.

Lampard appeared to have lost faith in Chelsea’s record signing after he was dropped in favour of the second goalkeeper Willy caballero in the final stages of the 2019/2020. campaign.

The blues are now opting for Gianluigi Donnarumma, a 21 year old who just entered the final phase of his contract at AC Milan amid difficulties in pricing Edouard Mendy from Rennes.

It’s unclear if the keeper wants to head out or not, but if Chelsea are truly interested there’s a big chance that Donnarumma could snub a new contract in the coming months.

Chelsea recognizes it’s a long shot to sign Gianluigi who is valued at 50M pounds by Milan but could be a long term solution because of his young age.


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