Churchill Put On The Spot Again Over Death Of Comedian Kasee

Comedian Kasee
Comedian Kasee

Comedian Joseph Musyoki of Churchill show, populary known as Kasee  died yesterday. The Churchill Raw comedian is said to have been battling with alcoholism for a while. This is according to the statement of the manager of Churchill Show Mr.Ken .

Kasee had gone out on a drinking spree with his friends and never got to return home which raised an alarm to his immediate family. He was later found lying on the road with rumours being that he had drunk some bad liquor that led to his demise.

Churchill show boss Churchill Ndambuki took to his Twitter account where he posted his condolences saying, “A really sad way to end the week .. It is a bitter pill to swallow but then we cannot question God’s plan.. My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Kasee …may your hearts find peace from the almighty.”

But Kenyans on Twitter have been putting him on the spot asking him how comes that two of those working under him seem to be battling with some form of mental illness. Recently Othoul, another comedian of Churchill Show was rushed to the hospital, which was later said that he was suffering from alcoholism at a point.

Churchill has not responded to these allegations yet and neither has his manager responded. You can follow the full conversation under the #RIPKasee.

Comedian Kasee
Comedian Kasee

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