Despite him not playing, Mesut Ozil receives £8M Arsenal’s loyalty bonus

Ozil shaking hands with Gunnersaurus before a match
Ozil shaking hands with Gunnersaurus before a match

Mesut Ozil has reportedly received £8M loyalty bonus from his club arsenal amid failed attempts to offload the German.

He has not featured on any games in an Arsenal kit for many months but still the gunners are counting cost for failing to sell him during the summer transfer despite him not being in Arteta’s plans.

The north London club splashed the cash to land Özil from Real Madrid back in 2013, when he signed a long term deal for a £42.5million fee.

He signed a new contract in January 2018 until the summer of 2021, making him the club’s highest earner on £350,000-a-week.

And it has now emerged the deal included a lucrative loyalty bonus in a bid to convince the German to stay for the entirety of the contract.

According to The Athletic, he received a lump-sum payment of £8M end of September for staying at the club.

Reports claim that Ozil is going through what he’s currently experiencing at the club after he made some statements against China treatment of Muslims which didn’t go well with the board and sponsors and the club had to make a statement in one way or another.

Ozil shaking hands with Gunnersaurus before a match

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