DJ Evolve’s Father Dismisses Claims that Son is Dead

Dj Evolve
Dj Evolve

John Orinda, DJ Evolve’s father, has dismissed claims that his son is dead.

Mr. Orinda said he was shocked to learn about the rumours after getting many calls to confirm on the same. He denied the reports saying his son is recuperating well at his brother’s home.

“He is doing fine. The device that was put on his throat is still there, he is not talking yet. I have been called by another journalist asking about the same. Whoever is spreading that information is not a good person. 

“A person who can proclaim death on someone alive? What kind of a person is that? It is not good at all. I have called my son, who stays with him, and he is doing fine,” John Orinda said.

A section of Kenyans on Twitter had claimed on Tuesday afternoon that DJ Evolve had succumbed to gunshot wounds he sustained in January last year at Kilimani’s B-club after a shooting incident involving Embakasi MP Babu Owino.

DJ Evolve was discharged from the Nairobi Hospital in June last year after being bedridden for nearly six months and has been receiving treatment at home.

Dj Evolve
Dj Evolve

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