DPP Noordin Haji Noted Need to Set up a State Run Shelter House to Provide Protection and Accommodation for Victims of Human Trafficking.

The Dpp on Human Trafficking
The Dpp on Human Trafficking

The Director of public prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji has noted that there is a need to set up a state-run shelter house to provide protection and accommodation for victims of human trafficking.

The DPP cited that Kenya is a source, transit and destination of human trafficking.

Speaking in his office during an interview with Judie Kaberia of Resilience Fellowship of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, the DPP said that his office has prosecuted a total of 172 cases of human trafficking in 2019/2020 most of whom are trafficked from Asian counties for prostitution.

There are various organisation that work on the line of Human Trafficking like (HAART) Kenya, Awareness Against Human Trafficking a non-governmental organisation based in Nairobi dedicated to fighting human trafficking in Eastern Africa.

HAART works through a multi-disciplinary approach applying the UN Four P’s Strategy to combat trafficking of persons.

With proper measures put in place, non-governmental organisations working with the government would be a major boost on the fight against Human trafficking in Kenya.

The DPP on matters of Human Trafficking

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