Former NTV Presenter Faith Muturi Ngugi Welcomes Baby Number Three


Former NTV presenter Faith Muturi Ngugi and her husband George Ngugi welcomed baby numbe three into their family.

Muturi announced the great news via her Instagram page, saying she’s excited to bring another life to this world.

“Unto us a son is born.❤️ Join @george_ngugi_ and I in praising Jehovah!” shared Faith Muturi.

George Ngugi also shared a photo of their new born covered with a love emoji saying; “Unto us a son is born.❤️ Join @faithmuturingugi and I in praising Jehovah!”.

Mrs Ngugi went public with her pregnancy on December 4, 2020, revealing that a few years earlier, doctors had told them that their chances of having children were extremely low.

“Some of you know our story, that 3 doctors. Not one, not two, but 3 competent and credible doctors we respect, told us on different occasions that our chances of getting a baby were extremely low.

BUT GOD, Here we are, 3rd miracle December baby. He did it again. Jesus, you do all things well. Be praised, forever and always 💜💝 Cc: @george_ngugi_ ” she wrote.


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