Fun Moments As DP Ruto DJ’s During Daughter’s Engagement Party

DP Ruto and June Ruto

0n Saturday, May 9, Deputy President William Ruto entertained guests during his daughter’s engagement party.

In the video, the DP is seen controlling the knobs on the audio mixer as a Kalenjin song plays in the background.

He was being guided by DJ Protege who had been tasked with the day’s entertainment.

The DP was hosting his Nigerian in-laws at his Karen home in a ceremony known as the Koito where dowry negotiations were taking place.

His eldest daughter, June, is set to wed a Nigerian lawyer and scholar who specializes in taxation and illicit financial flows out of developing countries.

June is a diplomat working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and currently serves as the Charge d’Affaires at the Kenyan Embassy in Poland.

In November 2020, Ruto had jokingly urged June to get married while he was speaking during the traditional marriage ceremony of Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika and businessman Sam Mburu in Laikipia County.

Watch video below:





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