German investor: My life in Danger After My Kenyan Girlfriend Ran Away With My Millions

German investor
German investor

A 66 year old German investor has claimed his life is in danger after his Kenyan girlfriend allegedly stole and disappeared with whooping Sh5.4 million from his villa at Harbour Key cottages in Malindi.

Reiner Hans Hermann Kreplin claimed Mercy Adhiambo Achieng, 24, took the money from the villa they shared together and has been receiving threatening messages from anonymous people since her disappearance.

He said he was forced to abandon his house after the incident and has since been moving from one town to another fearing that his former lover could be trailing him with a gang to finish him off.

The German investor said he had just returned to Kenya with a huge amount of money with a motive of buying a second villa at Harbour Key cottages which were to bear the names of the two, only for Achieng to take part of the cash and disappear.

‘’I reported the matter to Malindi police station after she went missing. We went with the police to my cottage only to find the suitcase broken into and Sh5.4 Million in foreign currency missing,’’ he said.

It is reported the police said they would pursue the missing fiancee with a view to prosecuting her for a criminal offense but they have not been successful in tracking her down.

Malindi police said they were aware of the report of the theft but have not been informed of the alleged death threats and urged the German to report it as well.

German investor
German investor

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