I didn’t stop you from going to the latrine: President Museveni tell Ugandans!

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni President Of The Republic Of Uganda Photo Credit
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President Of The Republic Of Uganda Photo Credit

Twitter was lit up on Friday 3rd 2020 after Ugandan ‘Supreme leader’ and President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni tweeted that he never denied his people the opportunity to visit the latrine.

“I think I was misunderstood when I said people should stay home. I did not mean you should be confined indoors. You are allowed to enjoy your compound if it’s hot or even go to the latrine outside. Besides most of our homes don’t have toilets inside.” Read the tweet which was mostly responded to by Kenyans on Twitter (KOT).

Many tweeps mostly accused the President on the barbaric way he handle Ugandans. Allowing the police to follow citizens to their private homes and rain terror on them.

Militaristic state.

A tweet that came from one Kiprotich wondered how Ugandans were too too afraid of the President such that they could not even attend to basic call of nature.

“You mean your people are afraid that much??” read the tweet.

In a follow up response however, one AHUMAZA told Kiprotich that Uganda was a serious Militaristic country than Kenya and mostly other countries. “I don’t think you know how brutal these guys are..Your Gov’t is probably not militaristic,” read a tweet from MarkAhumaza.

Well, what’s interesting though; is that the Ugandan President tweet was completely overtaken by Kenyans. One would think that Museveni was addressing Kenyans.

“Ghai!! Musakhulu. You mean you have scared the people of Uganda from even going to the latrine.” Read a tweet from one Kenyan BravinYuri which received lots of response from netizens.

“Museveni happily tweeting to Ugandans but replies belong to Kenyans.” Read another tweet from BettMax.

It’s also important to note that the President later made a tweet urging Ugandans to report ‘erring’ security officers/law enforcers and especially those harassing people during lockdown to a particular number.

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