KEBS Approves 40 New Standards to Address Cyber Security


The Kenya Bureau of Standards has approved 40 new standards to enhance information and cyber security and safeguard consumer privacy.

The new standards outline various techniques and methods for securing corporate information by an individual or managers charged with the responsibility of ensuring safety of institutional data.

“Consumers are increasingly adopting digital technology, the data generated creates both an opportunity for enterprises to improve customer engagement and a responsibility to keep it safe,”

The new guidelines provide a robust system to fight against cybersecurity threats, breach of privacy and other information security measures to ensure that Confidentiality, Integrity and Authenticity (CIA) of information is maintained during the creation, usage, storage and transfer of information,” KEBS managing director Bernard Njiraini said.

The standards also stipulate a framework for ensuring privacy in Information and Communication Technology systems that store and process personally identifiable information.

Among the approved standards include guidelines for information security management systems auditing, code of practice for electronic discovery, vulnerability handling process, online privacy notices and consent, cloud service metering and billing modes.

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