Kenyan Police Disperse Crowd Protesting Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza


Police used teargas to disperse a crowd of more than 200 people protesting in Nairobi on Thursday, May 13, against the Israeli bombing of the Palestinian territory of Gaza.

The protest started after Eid prayers at a nearby mosque.

Protesters waved banners with the Palestinian flag and with the words: “Kenyans stand with Palestine” and “Our freedom is incomplete without the Freedom of Palestine – Nelson Mandela”.

“I stand with my brothers and sisters in Palestine and I pray day and night that my sisters and brothers get peace,” one protestor, Rayan Sheikh said.

Since the violence erupted on Monday, dozens of people have been killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza, and several people in Israel have been killed by Hamas rocket fire.

“Israel is the last apartheid nation in the world,” Boniface Mwangi, an anti-corruption and human rights activist, said just before teargas was thrown to disperse the marchers.

“Apartheid in South Africa would not have fallen without international pressure…our silence justifies what Israel is doing.”


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