KNUT Loses to TSC in Promotion of Teachers Case

KNUT offices
KNUT offices

The Employment and Labor Relations Court dismissed a case filed by the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) against the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on ​​​​​​basis that it lacked grounds for merit.

Under then-Secretary-General Wilson Sossion, KNUT wanted TSC CEO Nancy Macharia imprisoned for six months for using Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs) to promote teachers. 16,000 teachers were promoted, while 13,000 were not.

According to the union, Macharia disobeyed court orders prohibiting TSC from implementing a circular on appraisals, transfers, promotions, training and union membership.

TSC also defied orders requiring the commission to abandon career progression guidelines (CPGs) issued in 2018.

“Despite being aware of a pending application for contempt, the first contemnor (a person found to have committed contempt of court) has continued to place advertisements and issued circulars for implementation, including applications from suitably qualified candidates through career progression guidelines to fill the vacancies created,” the union stated.

Macharia defended the commission in her affidavit, stating that it promoted teachers in accordance with the law.

The TSC boss said the judgement that dismissed the CPG guidelines only affected the KNUT members but not the other unions – Kenya Union of Post Primary Teachers(KUPPET)and the Kenya Union of Special Needs Teachers(KUSNET).

Both KUPPET and KUSNET had opposed the KNUT’s application in support of the TSC.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) CEO Nancy Macharia






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