Ndindi Nyoro Vows Not to Surrender to Police Over Muranga Chaos

Ndindi Nyoro
Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro

The Kiharu member of parliament Ndidi Nyoro has vowed not to surrender to police over the Muranga chaos that was seen when the deputy president visited the area.

This came after the inspector general of police Hillary Mutyambai summoned the legislator to make a statement in regards to the violence that occurred leaving many injured and two dead.

“I am not surrendering to police and I will not be used by murderers to cleanse their mess. They can track my phone…they know my whereabouts… They know for sure I was not involved. If you need me, I am here at home, please come and arrest me,” said Nyoro.

The legislator noted that the police is being used to settle political scores that came as a result of the rift between the president and his deputy.

Ndindi Nyoro
Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro

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