ODM Party Waives Membership Registration Fees for 3 Months

ODM Secretary General
ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has waived party membership registration fees for the next three months.

Secretary General, Edwin Sifuna said this came about after many people asked the party to waive the Sh100 required for ordinary membership registration due to the current economic situation caused by Covid-19 pandemic.

“The Party Leader HE. Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga has directed my office to waive the membership fee for anyone wishing to join our party in the next three months beginning 1st July, 2021,”  read the memo dated Wednesday, June 30, 2021.

He went on to say that the party has been conducting continuous membership recruitment, which has resulted in a significant increase in membership.

Sifuna urged Orange Party supporters to take advantage of the three-month free registration period to sign up as members of the party, which will allow them to participate in the grassroots elections and nominations.

In February 2021, Sifuna said ODM Party members have until August this year to register as life members.

The scretary-general said for one to be cleared to contest for any elective position on the ODM party ticket he/she must have been a member for at least one year.

ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna


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