Petition Filed to Have Government Provide Free Sanitary Towels to School Girls


A petition has been filed at the Milimani Law Courts seeking to have the government directed to provide free sanitary towels to girls in public schools.

The petitioner, lawyer Elvis Begi Nyachiro Abenga, argues that the state provides free condoms in all public institutions, and that if that is possible, there is no reason why the state cannot provide sanitary towels to schoolchildren.

“The provision of sanitary towels to school girls is essential to upholding their inherent right to human dignity respected and protected,” reads court documents.

He claims that due to a lack of sanitary towels, more than 60% of girls in impoverished homes in Kenya miss school during their menstruation, in addition to suffering from gross indignity.

“A declaration does issue that the State’s providence of male condoms is sufficient evidence to show that resources are available and that the State has no defense under Article 20 of the 2010 constitution,” reads the papers.

Justice Makau has directed that the application be served to the respondents and that the respondents should file and serve their responses to the application before the next mention date. The matter will be mentioned on June 2, 2021.



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