Police Officers Gun Down Five Armed Robbers in Shootout

Recovered bullets and riffles
Recovered bullets and riffles

Police have gunned down five suspected criminals in Nyali, Mombasa county.

According to a police report on Saturday, it indicated they had raided a house in Mbungoni where the five suspects were hiding.

“The intelligence team led them to one house where they were planning to commit another robbery, officers challenged them and they fired towards them,” it read.

The suspects were fatally shot as they engaged the police officers.The bodies were moved to Coast General Mortuary.

The incident comes after months of peace in Kisauni and Nyali where criminal gangs have terrorized residents for years.

Police recovered an AK 47 rifle, 33 bullets, Panga, two knives, seven mobile phones and a wallet.

A motorcycle registration No. KMEJ 275W believed to have been used to ferry the criminals was also recovered.

Recovered bullets and riffles
Recovered bullets and riffles

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