Ruth Matete Unveils Daughter’s Face For The First Time

Ruth Matete
Ruth Matete

Singer Ruth Matete has not only proven to be strong but also courageous enough to handle every harsh experience life has thrown her way after everything she went through in 2020.

She lost the love of her life Belovedjohn Apewajoye in a tragic gas explosion in March 2020. As if that was not enough, she was denied her husband’s body which was being held back for investigations.

However, she was allowed to bury his remains three months later. From the funeral photos, one could see how broken Ruth was and the fact that she was heavily pregnant at the time of the burial made it even worse.

Ruth Matete now holds on to the loving memories she shared with her husband now that he is gone. She has baby Toluwa, who is a result of the love she shared with her late husband.

Being two months since the baby was born, Ruth recently shared a photo showing off her baby’s face for the first time.

Ruth Matete with baby Toluwa

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