Safaricom Launches Easy Pay Smartphones On A Daily Cash of 20 shillings

safaricom lipa mdogo mdogo
safaricom lipa mdogo mdogo

Safaricom has launched an easy pay of 4G phones that will enable customers to pay as low as 20 shillings on a daily basis on terms agreed with the leading communication company.

Neon Ray 4 android edition pro has been rolled out as the phone to be dispatched on an agreed partnership with Google.

The Lipa Mdogo Mdogo in partnership with Android, Google’s operating system for mobile, will allow qualifying customers access to the internet and the world of possibilities through a smartphone that they can pay-as-they-use on a daily or weekly basis.

“Smartphones in the hands of our customers, possess life-transforming possibilities. They open a new world. We aim to take that world into the hands of every consumer through affordable means,” said Peter Ndegwa, Safaricom CEO.

The operation is meant to connect more Kenyans to the internet so that they can tap into the opportunities that exist online.

Safaricom phones on lipa mdogo mdogo

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