Schools in Nairobi to get free internet

Samsung Solar Powered Internet School Students on Computers 640x426
Samsung Solar Powered Internet School Students on Computers 640x426

Were yet to see the laptops but i think this move by this two companies will push our government further in implementing what they had promised Kenyan’s.

Wananchi Group, owner of Pay Tv company Zuku, is installing free, unlimited, high-speed fixed internet to over 2,000 public and private schools in Nairobi County.

Through a partnership with Kenya Education Network (KENET) and the County Government of Nairobi, over 150 schools have been connected to fixed high speed internet in a piloting that began April 2014.

The first three months were used to roll out the fibre network and the last one year was used to evaluate the progress of the project. The scheme will let pupils conduct viable research and access broad knowledge from different parts of the world.  The majority of the schools connected will be private ones.

Wananchi Group has invested 2 million to provide these schools with access to the internet. The project will supplement the government initiative to provide free laptops to schools across the country. The Zuku Fibre project is a private-public partnership using the Wananchi Group’s fibre infrastructure to provide ICT services to 2,715 schools in Nairobi, in line with the objectives of Vision 2030.

Wananchi Group CEO Richard Alden
Wananchi Group CEO Richard Alden

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