SGR To Resume Ferrying Passengers With A Little Twist


The Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) which was grounded on April 6 will soon start it’s  operations with the first train leaving Nairobi for Mombasa at 8.00am.

This comes as good news to many within Nairobi after the hike in matatu fares heading out of the city. However, it turns out that the SGR might also hike its prices too in order to meet its operational costs.

Transport Cabinet Secretary James Macharia on Wednesday said the SGR will have to ferry half the usual number of passengers . This will put pressure on Kenya Railways to increase fares in a bid to raise revenues needed to pay the operator — China Communications Construction Company — or increase State subsidies.

“Increase in passenger fare on Madaraka Express train are operational matters that will be determined by the operator. We will, however, give special preference to passengers who had booked tickets before suspension of services when we resume operations,” said Mr Macharia.


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