Singer Bahati Set to Represent Kenya at Africa Day Concert


Singer Bahati is sharing another achievement just a few days after celebrating hitting a career milestone after reaching 100 million views on his YouTube channel.

Bahati announced that he will be performing at the Africa Day Concert 2021 as the only artist representing Kenya so far.

The concert, sponsored by MTV Base Africa and YouTube, will be hosted by renowned actor and rapper, Idris Elba.

Bahati announced that he will be heading to Johannesburg, ahead of the event which will be on May 25th, 2021.

In April this year, the “dear ex” hit maker revealed that he wanted to make his first billion before hitting 30 years old.

He confessed that the ongoing pandemic seems to be messing up with his plan based on the fact that he is already 28 years old.

In last year’s Africa Day Concert, Sauti Sol represented Kenya with the aim to raise funds to help children and families in Africa who have been affected by the pandemic.




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