Tanzanian President Samia Hassan Suluhu Arrives In Kenya For 2-Day State Visit

Tanzanian President Samia Hassan Suluhu
Tanzanian President Samia Hassan Suluhu

Tanzanian President Samia has arrived in the country for a two-day state visit.

The Air Tanzania plane carrying Suluhu touched down at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport some minutes to 10 am.

Suluhu was received at the JKIA by the Kenyan Foreign CS Raychelle Omamo among other political leaders and will be received by her host, President Uhuru Kenyatta at the State House, Nairobi.

She was in company of the Kenyan Ambassador to Tanzania Dan Kazungu among other delegations.

It is her second visit outside Tanzania since she took over the office in March this year, following the demise of her predecessor the late John Pombe Magufuli.

She will be in the country for two days and is expected to address a joint sitting of the National Assembly and the Senate on Wednesday.

The government plans to give Tanzanian President Suluhu Hassan elaborate State honours, including an opportunity to address a joint sitting of Parliament and a 21-gun salute.

Tanzanian President Samia Hassan Suluhu
Tanzanian President Samia Hassan Suluhu

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