The Vehicle Distributing Poisonous Food Has Been Found And The Owner Brings In A New Twist


As of recently, Kiambu residents went on an uproar after they were given poisonous food that had harmed quite a number of them. They never knew who gave them the food in the name of a good Samaritan but with all that’s going on right now the act of good will was used to harm those who needed help.

It was later noted that the vehicle delivering the poisoned food was a land cruiser whose number plate matched with that of the Kikuyu area MP’s first cousin who went by the name of Stephen Miringu Njoroge. The same registration number was found on a Prado car belonging to Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichungwa.

The MP had gone ahead and said that the distribution of the foul food was a stunt to hurt the Deputy President William Ruto. The Deputy President had gone out of his way to distribute the food to Kiambu and after the food was found to be poisonous, the blame shifted to Kimani Ichubgwa and Maina Kamanda.

“Why harm innocent poor villagers all in the name of fighting William Ruto? The EVIL CABAL is getting desperate by the day!. This is just EVIL. THANKS to the residents of Gikambura village that mobilized each other following my social media appeal last night to get the food distributed by the evil and dark forces.We call upon DCI to get the owners of this car.We have Cctv coverage along its entire route” Kimani Ichungwa tweeted


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