This is the Audio Clip of Radio Africa employees Shaffie Waweru, DJ Joe Mfalme and Neville Muysa Causing Uproar on Social Media

Shaffie Weru, DJ Mfalme and Neville Muysa
Shaffie Weru, DJ Mfalme and Neville Muysa

A section of Kenyans online have termed the current debate on feminism as war between men and women in the country. This was overly propelled by a recent discussion done at HomeBoyz radio by Shaffie Waweru, DJ Joe Mfalme and Neville Muysa. The trio, were asking women to carefully choose their dates instead of blindly going on a date with a stranger, heavily consume alcohol and become susceptible to gender based violence.

Their comments drew mixed reactions from listeners who called on Radio Africa to take action against them.

“You cannot be an influencer and still make insensitive statements.” Said a comment on Twitter.

Others however, were of a contrary opinion. “I have received news of radio personalities Shaffie Waweru and how their topic at Radio Africa group attracted backlash from pretenders in the name of feminism. You can’t pull boy child down for speaking the truth, Just like Andrew Kibe, Jalas, I stand with them.” Said a different comment on Twitter.

Pressure from corporates such as EABL ensured the trio were fired from their Job. “Feminism will bring down corporations faster than corruption or mismanagement. Juzi a chile kills a ni**a, stabs 2 more and is found drinking their blood but let’s crucify Shaffie and the boys first for having a f** opinion?? When did we do away with common sense?” Says Andrew Kibe on Twitter.

A section of KOT has called on a boycott of all EABL products for poorly handling the issue.

CAK has since fined Homeboyz radio Ksh 1Million and suspended the breakfast show for six months for violating programming requirements.

See the audio clips below and be the Judge.

Another video.

Video of Shaffie and DJ Joe Mfalme

Shaffie Weru, DJ Mfalme and Neville Muysa
Shaffie Weru, DJ Mfalme and Neville Muysa

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