TSC Launches Biometric Enrolment for Teachers


The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has launched a pilot phase of biometric enrolment and validation of teachers.

The exercise is targeting teachers in 143 schools across seven counties: Uasin Gishu, Homa Bay, Bungoma, Nyeri, Kilifi, Kitui, and Garissa.

TSC Director Ibrahim Mumin, who oversaw the exercise’s launch at Nyeri Boys High School on Monday, stated that teachers’ data must be kept up to date.

Mumin stated that the information gathered during this process will be used to create a database that will assist the government in decision-making.

The process involves capturing the fingerprints of teachers, validation of personal employment data, and taking of passport size photo.

Mumin went on to say that the data will aid in verifying teachers’ distribution and utilization, validating enrolment in public schools, and validating teachers’ biodata and employment records, while still establishing areas of specialization.

According to the TSC director, the exercise is a multi-agency exercise involving various government agencies, and the pilot will guide the national roll-out.



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