Ugandan rapper Keko that featured in the hit single ‘make you dance’ thrown out of Mayfair hotel

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21362c1c39 KEKO NU

Ugandan rapper Keko was on Tuesday kicked out of a Nairobi Mayfair hotel, forced to spend the night in a petrol station in Westlands and later forced to return to Uganda unceremoniously.

The artiste, real name Jocelyne Tracey Keko, who arrived in Nairobi on Monday, trashed her hotel room at Southern Sun Mayfair and the hotel could not take it anymore and ejected her.

She was insulting everyone, she was trashing her room and was just a general nuisance and that is why she was kicked out,” says the source from the hotel.

After the incident, the rapper was taken to hospital where she was sedated and taken back to Uganda.

Keko was in the country for a Coke Studio recording but it is understood she is now off the show.

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