Understanding Trauma in a Child’s Growth


Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences.

Trauma could be induced during pregnancy and this resonates with the relationship between the mother and the child.

The relation between a mother and child starts in the womb and the effects of secure naturing help build a healthy child’s emotional development.

A child’s greatest need is attachment and stability, they need to feel safe and have a permanent home with stable caregivers.

Trauma alters brain chemistry, damages the nervous system and sensory processing development of a child. These traumatized children exhibit adolescence changes with a level similar to stress hormones same as combat veterans.

If this is tackled earlier and the caregiver fails to induce senses in a healthy consistency manner the brain does not learn how to process incoming senses.

Trauma has a potential life-altering impact in every developmental area for a growing child and it can change child life of who he or she could have been in the future had the trauma not occurred.

Caregivers who went or go through trauma must parent differently. Traumatic stress overwhelms a child’s sense of safety and can lead to a variety of survival strategies for copping.

Safety here implies both physical and phycological.

Traumatic events affect many aspects of a child-life and this can lead to lead to secondary problems eg difficulty in schools and relationships or health-related problems

caregivers should also take care of themself and should have a unique understanding of evaluating their own personal response to the child behavior and unique needs.

parenting a child with great trauma can have great implications for a parent who doesn’t understand the need for self-care.



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