Wambui Collymore Opens Up On Life After The Death Of Bob Collymore

Wambui Collymore and the late Bob collymore
Wambui Collymore and the late Bob collymore

Ms Wambui Kamiru Collymore suffered a huge loss after the death of her husband Bob Collymore last year. On a recent interview, she spoke of how she lost her sense of smell after the death of her husband.

“I lost my sense of smell. It returned a few months ago and then disappeared again. It’s back again; so it goes and comes,” she said in an interview with Sunday Nation.
“In grief, any number of things can happen. You can lose your sense of memory; your eyesight can be blurred. Grief is a chemical reaction in your body and it has a chemical effect on your senses, and so, for me, it was my sense of smell – which was an indicator of the magnitude of the trauma of death,” she added.

She said that they had followed Bob Collymore’s will to cremate his body. “He had chosen a strictly simple exit. And he did not just say it; he committed to it in writing. Think of it as an instruction manual written to be ticked off when you die.”

“Some of the details were in that document, which he signed over through a lawyer. He used to say, ‘I don’t want to hang about. It’s like I’m done; don’t keep me around’.
“He (Collymore) scripted all of it. …except what outfit he would be cremated in, and that was my choice. And I chose to put his body in a Mudi suit, which is a white linen suit with flowers on the front of it. And he was barefoot, with no jewellery; none of those other possessions. Just him, in his purest form,” she said.

She was thankful to president Uhuru Kenyatta for he has been supportive of her and her family after Collymore’s death.


Wambui Collymore and the late Bob collymore
Wambui Collymore and the late Bob collymore

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