WhatsAPP Introduces New Feature To Fact Check Fowarded Messages.

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WhatsApp has finally introduced a new feature that will allow their users to check the contents of the viral messages in its effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.

The messaging app which is owned by Facebook is launching the feature in six countries this week.

As users, they’ll be in a position to conduct google-search on the forwarded content to fact check information contained therein.

This will be made possible by adding a magnifying glass feature next to forwarded messages through a chain of five or more people.

This is in hope to reveal any conspiracy or misinformation.

“We are piloting a simple way to double-check these messages by tapping a magnifying glass button in the chat,” said WhatsApp.

“Providing a simple way to search messages that have been forwarded many times may help people find new results or other sources of information about content they have received,” it added.

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