Home Mixed Kenya, Home to the last male northern white rhino

Kenya, Home to the last male northern white rhino

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If you think your Friday nights are boring, we present you with Sudan, the last male northern white rhino and one of only five of their kind left on planet Earth. At age 42 or 43, he’s getting on in years (he’s estimated to have about 10 years left), which lends a sense of urgency to breeding efforts that have proven so far to be unsuccessful. It seems an image of human tenderness that Sudan is lovingly guarded by armed men who stand vigilantly and caring with him

The species has been nearly wiped out because of poaching. Officials say the rhino’s horn is becoming more lucrative than drugs, because of a belief in Asia that the horn cures various ailments.

In all there are five white rhinos left on the planet. Three of them, including the sole male Sudan, are living at the Ol Pejeta conservancy in Kenya. The other two are at zoos in San Diego and Czech Republic.

There are no known Northern White Rhinos left in the wild, so it’s up to Sudan to conceive with the other two female white rhinos at the conservancy, Fatu and Najin, to preserve the species.


For a rhino, Sudan is old at age 42, so officials are worried that he may not be able to physically mate with a female, in addition to his low sperm count.

Sudan is doing his best to further the species but a shame on you to humans who are okay with poaching regardless if the animal at hand is about to be extinct or not

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