Home Business Problem solvers needed not content memorisers!

Problem solvers needed not content memorisers!


The world is evolving very fast and to the young people this really calls for a certain career flexibility.

There is really no law that a graduate must look for a while collar job after school or get employed to work under a company. Some people may not even have gone to school but they just learn a skill that allows them to earn money. One of the best  engineers i know today is not a graduate. After his basic school, he went to learn computer programming and coding on his own and eventually he is now one of the best programmers and software engineers that I have ever encountered.

He is far ahead of all these guys who are with MSc in Computer Science and so forth. In the real world of work, employers are interested in results not credentials. It is not your certificate that will bring money or put food on your table; it is your result. We have to strike the balance. If you to any office for an interview, it will not be about your PhD or Master’s degree; rather, it is about what you are able to do within the time that is allotted to you. If you are able to deliver results, you are fine.

we need to have a programme in our universities that allows industry participants, where top CEOs or top leaders would have direct contact with the university students periodically. There are some universities that do that in the world. So, it is okay to include this as part of their programmes; where captains of industries tell them what they need to know to be ready to enter the industrial world. Number two, the style of teaching should be more of case study, problem-solving, group discussions than just grooming them to pass examinations. Life is beyond just passing examinations.

As the year begins lets do it differently young people.


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