NTSA Relocates its Headquarters


The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has relocated its Nairobi headquarters from Hill Park Building.

In a statement, the authority notified the public that the new offices will be at the 316 Upper Hill Chambers, along 2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill.

The new offices will be on the Ground Floor, 8th and 9th Floor of the 316 Upper Hill Chambers effective June 28.

“Effective Monday, 28th June 2021, NTSA Headquarters will be relocated from Hill Park Building to the 316 Upper Hill Chambers, along 2nd Ngong Avenue, Nairobi,” said NTSA.

Individuals who require the authority’s services in Nairobi will be served from the new offices.

The move comes weeks after NTSA announced the resumption of services after it closed down its online portal for a system upgrade and maintenance.

The authority said after the upgrade, services would run on two portals until June 30, 2021.

“This is to enable all users to interact, familiarize themselves with the system and undergo scheduled virtual training sessions,” NTSA said.

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