Coronavurus: Prince Charles out of Self Isolation


Prince Charles,  is out of isolation and in good health after contracting coronavirus.
Prince Charles, tested positive for Covid-19 last week and had been self-isolating at his residence in Scotland.


“Clarence House has confirmed today that, having consulted with his doctor, the Prince of Wales is now out of self-isolation,” a royal source told CNN.

The Duchess of Cornwall, 72, was tested and did not have the virus, but will self-isolate until the end of the week.

Charles was only displaying mild symptoms last week, Clarence House said when confirming his diagnosis. It was not known how he caught the virus, because of his recent busy schedule of public events.


The country has recorded 1,228 deaths from the virus so far.

Britain’s 93-year-old monarch has canceled all her engagements for the foreseeable future and has moved to Windsor Castle, west of London, for the Easter period.

A number of senior British officials have tested positive for the virus in recent days, including the Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Health Secretary Matt Hancock.

Experts have warned that the death rate is expected to increase in the coming days.


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