Government to Demolish Kahama Hotel in Ngara

k hotel
Kahama hotel in Ngara

The iconic Kahama hotel is set to be demolished as part of the government’s plan to construct a new public transport terminal in Nairobi’s Globe Roundabout area.

The hotel is owned by the family of the late billionaire James Mwangi Kirung’o alias Kahama.

The prime Kahama hotel was established in the 1980s. It was previously known as Kenya International hotel.

The National Land Commission (NLC) is set to spend billions of shillings in acquiring the hotel among other properties such as a section of the highly contested Grogan area.

According to reports, five landowners are set to lose their prime acres of land to the state in order for the Globe roundabout public transport terminal to be constructed.

The reports were confirmed by National Lands Commission (NLC) chair Gershom Otachi who noted that the move would allow the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) to begin the construction plans.

The Globe roundabout bus terminus is part of NMS plans to ease traffic congestion within the city.

Kahama hotel in Ngara


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