Is Eldoret Express On The Loose?


It is clear the once formidable empire in long distance travel, Eldoret Express is headed to its knees. It’s absence on the roads has not gone unnoticed.

Broken windows, worn out seats, rims with no tyres, spider webs in the yard where the precious Scanias are packed tells it all.

Although the company claims otherwise, it’s evident the company is suffering a major setback and many Kenyans are suspecting the once treasured empire is collapsing.

According to the operation manager Joseph Ngaga, those are uneconomical vehicles on disposal.

“After functioning for some years, public service vehicles become uneconomical to operate. we dispose off about six vehicles every year,” said Joseph Nganga.

Something that the public disagree as many travelers are now turning to shuttles which are said to be faster. At Juja Kiambu county, it’s alleged a yard boasts more than 100 disposed buses.

Eledoret express buses

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