Kenyan Nominated Member Of Parliament To Represent Africa In the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association


Nominated Member of Parliament Dennitah Ghati was appointed to represent Africa in the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).

In a statement on Saturday, November 28, 2020, Dennitah Ghati was named among the nine regional champions in the network to represent Parliamentarians living with disabilities.

“The CPwD network has been established by the CPA to support the role of Parliamentarians living with disabilities and during the three-year term.

“The champions will be a leading voice for persons with disabilities both within the CPA and parliaments,” read a statement from the association.

The task of the legislature will include the promotion of the rights of Commonwealth Parliamentarians in their respective regions and the expression of disability interests within CPA.

Dennitah Ghati will join Zill-Huma who will represent the Asia Region, Gareth Ward (Australia), Ann Jones of British Island, Kevin Murphy of Canada, Paul Richards of Caribean, America and Atlantic regions.



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