LADIES!!! The smarter you are the more likely you are to be single

black couples
black couples

It’s a tough world out there.. full of akward first dates, bad sex and limited chances at orgasms. Women now associate dating with the same risks many face going into the arctic tundra. It’s cold and  uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, for women, intelligence many at times hinders our travels and keep us from reaching the promised land. Because, for all you bright and educated  women out there, what you feel is real .. intelligent women are more likely to be single for the popular saying;

“Ignorance is a bliss “

Doesn’t exactly cover the broad spectrum of woes women feel as they sit alone with no one to discuss with nietzsce or read line from the proust with. The saying could be closer to:

“Ignorant women get the man and intelligent women never feel the bliss. “

But why is this? why don’t men want women with whom they can converse intellectually and even challenge them? when did the aversion to strong and intelligent women become a code orange? when did everyone just want to go to the bahamas and lie around?

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