Matatu Owners Launches Fumigation Exercise After Passenger Dies In Matatu


Matatu Owners Association have initiated a fumigation exercise in all Public Service Vehicles (PSVs) in Machakos County.

This is after a passenger died on a Machakos bound bus on Tuesday morning, December 15. The cause of death was not yet determined, although it was suspected to be Covid-19 related.

The aim of the fumigation exercise is to ensure the safety of passengers boarding busses, especially during the festive season.

The association working with the Machakos County Health Department advised motorists and passengers to comply with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.

According to Ancent Kituku, the CEC Health for Machakos, these measures are in a bid to curb the second wave of Covid-19.

“During this time, so many people travel and we want to reduce all chances of passengers and motorists contracting the virus,” Kituku stated.




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