Russia’s richest man Vladimir Potanin in $7 billion divorce fight

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This am sure is giving Vladimir Potanin sleepless nights especially the part that the wife said;

“I want to give my shares of the Norilsk Nickel company to the state. I want to avoid corporate conflicts. I want such a big strategic object to be under the state control,”

The ex-wife of Russia’s richest man Vladimir Potanin wants half his $15 billion fortune. The couple divorced last year. Potanin offered Natalia Potanina, his wife of 30 years, a settlement including a monthly allowance of $250,000 and properties in Moscow, London, and New York. But she says that is only a fraction of what is rightfully hers. Natalia claims Potanin’s real wealth is held in offshore companies, and she’s launched an international legal battle to get hold of it. Vladimir Potanin runs the world’s biggest nickel producer Norilsk Nickel


She said the divorce has caused her pain. “I feel offended after living together for 30 years,” she said. “I loved him so much, it was a big personal drama to me.”

The couple have three children.

The daughter in blue and the two boys

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