Sephora Dedicates 15% of Its Shelf Space to Black-Owned Brands


Sephora, a french multinational chain of personal care and beauty stores has said it will allocate 15% of its stores’ shelf space to black owned companies’ products in the midst of reopening of stores. This is part of the pledge they made to address challenges that black business owners encounter in the markets .

The movement’s website specifically calls on Sephora, Target, whole Foods and Shopbop to make the commitment. “We are insipired to make the 15% pledge because we believe it is the right thing to do, ” said Artemis Patrick, Sephora’s chief merchandising officer. He also added that Sephora has been selling 9 black-owned brands among many others.

These sentiments however created different reactions as most people said that was kind of racism and a strategy to market their brands amidist the cancellation of racist companies or rather companies that do not support Black Lives Matter movement that has been going over the past two weeks.


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