The Blues Hold Red Devils In a Goalless Draw

Manchester united vs Chelsea FC game
Manchester united vs Chelsea FC game

On 28th February 2021, Chelsea hosted Manchester United at Stamford Bridge in their quest to secure a champions League position.

Chelsea who are unbeaten since the new Manager Tomas Tuchel took charge secured a goalless draw again as they did in the first leg of the Premier League campaign.

The Blues took control of the whole match by displaying a spectacular performance recording 57% ball possession against 43% of the Red devils.

Both sides appeared to be threatening Chelsea recording 6 shots on target against 4 Shots on target recorded by Manchester United.

The Red devils are now in position 2 with 50 points while Chelsea are position 5 with 44 points. Man U will face Crystal Palace on Wednesday 3rd March in their bid to narrow the gap between them and the league leaders Manchester City as Chelsea will face Liverpool on Thursday 4th March 2021.

Manchester united vs Chelsea FC game
Manchester united vs Chelsea FC game

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