This is the Kenyan Girl who won a major Beauty Pageant In The US

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The 19-year-old has emerged a winner of the prestigious crown, literally beating 300 others since the race started. The bubbly, cute Trina Njoroge was born in the US to Kenyan parents and studied for one year at Mt. Kenya Academy in Kenya. She has spent most of her life in the States but still has her heart rooted to Kenya.

That’s why she has, for a long time, been looking forward to give back to her home country.

Trina has a charity programme, Angels Forgotten, which supports children who are orphans as a results of their parents dying from AIDS. The initiative’s location is Elburgon, Nakuru County.

Her profile on the Face Of Kenya USA contest shows that she has always been interested in fashion and beauty. This is a turning point in her life as she will achieve even more.

However, this is not the first time that she’s won a major competition. While in high school, she was crowned  Miss Teen ‘Peoples Choice Award’ and‘Most Photogenic,’ as well as “Runners Up.” Trina says that her biggest inspiration in life have been Barrack Obama’s election win in 2008 and Lupita Nyong’o’s Oscar Award breakthrough.

Here are some of her photos:

Source: Mpasho.

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