Two Women In Taita Taveta Build ICU Bed With Distance Sensor


Two women from Taita Taveta county are using their knowledge and skills to create new innovations amid the fight against Corona virus pandemic.

The two genius ladies innovated a bed which comes with a sensor that detects a distance of 1 metre between a COVID-19 patient and the visitor.

It is said it takes 5 days to assemble one of a kind. Speaking to NTV, one woman identified  as Rosalia Sambuli said the idea behind this awesome innovation was to ensure physical distancing in Hospitals.

“The sensor reminds the people visiting a patient suffering from COVID-19 to stay one metre away from them,” said Rosalia.

“When they get one metre away from the bed, the sensor goes off in order to remind them observe the distance. It reminds them to stay one metre apart,” she added.

She pleaded the government to purchase the beds.

“Instead of the government buying beds from abroad they can promote us by buying our beds,” said Rosalia.

Barely a month ago the government had ordered 500 beds from two artisans to boost capacity in public hospitals.

Two women build ICU bed with sensor to encourage social distance

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