Daddy Owen Speaks For The First Time On Alleged Breakup With Wife

daddy owen

Gospel singer Daddy Owen has come out for the first time to address alleged breakup with his wife Farida Wambui.

Owen admitted that he has been going through a hard time for the past few days after reports that his marriage is on the rocks went viral.

He asked his fans to pray for him as he goes through a challenging season.

“I want to take this opportunity to issue an official statement.

Thank you to all who have reached out to me in one way or another over the last few days with prayers or encouraging words of support following news circulating in the media involving me and my family.

The word of God encourages us in all seasons to rejoice, for the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.

This requires Us to main a perspective of joy in whatever we go through as we know untimely our walk will produce perfection in God for He makes all things work out for good.

Thank you for your encouragement and as I journey through this season, I request for time, patience and lots of prayers as you have always supported me in my Ministry,

I appreciate you for always being there and remain confident God will see us through. Love conquers all and Love covers a multitude of sins. God Bless you all”  Daddy Owen wrote.


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